Evolve Series Box Set Page 23
“He’s a great guy, Dad. He doesn’t try anything, if that’s what you’re thinking. He brings me dinner and takes me to do fun stuff. He listens when I freak out, too. We’ve become really good friends, and I don’t want to send him to a hotel.”
Dane walks in with the bags, clearing his throat.
“Laney Jo, grab my wallet and keys and go get all of us some dinner, please. Dane can stay here with me.”
Shit. I jerk my head to Dane, about to tell him he doesn’t have to do this, when he winks at me and subtly nods his head.
“Okay, if you’re sure,” I muster. On my way back through, I reach up on my tiptoes and whisper in my dad’s ear. “I’ll be very angry if he’s maimed or bleeding in any way when I get home, Daddy. I mean it.”
“So you’re a model, huh?” My dad laughs when I walk in the door.
I shoot Dane a glare as he moves to help me with the bags of food. “It was nothing, don’t tease me.”
“Oh, you’re a pretty girl, slugger, ain’t nothing wrong with that.” He scrubs my head as he walks by to make his plate.
“You told him?” I hiss at Dane, who chuckles at me, taking a swig of his beer. “My dad gave you a beer? Am I in the right house?” I look around to emphasize my confusion at what I’ve walked back into.
“Quit fussin’ and get in here and eat, Laney Jo. Come on, Dane.”
“Did you drug my father?” I whisper as Dane now pulls me into the kitchen.
“You’re right, he’s a wonderful man. Thanks for letting me come, Laney.” Dane leans over to kiss the top of my head.
My father actually gets up to grab him and Dane another beer during dinner and there’s not a break in the conversation and laughter. The boys get way too much enjoyment over my father’s retelling of all my major childhood incidents. I can feel my cheeks heat at some of the more telling ones, like the time I accidentally sat in the minnow bucket! It took way too long to discretely dig all those squirming suckers out of my bathing suit bottom, information Dane did not need to know.
“I’m gonna turn in, I’ll see you both in the morning.” Dad leans in to give me a kiss goodnight. “Guest room’s all yours, Dane, nice to meet you, son.”
Son?! “Night, Daddy, I love you.”
“Good night, sir, thank you for having me.”
“You’re welcome…and quit calling me sir.” He laughs, shuffling down the hall.
When I hear his door close, I snap my head to Dane. “Spill.”
His face lights up in a smile, his eyes smoky as he pulls me to sit on his lap. “You worry too much, baby. Your dad adores you, just like I do, so it was easy for us to find common ground. I actually like him a lot, he’s great.” He runs his nose along mine, ending with a kiss upon it.
“What did you guys talk about while I was gone?”
“Well…” His hand inches up my thigh, his lips grazing my throat. “We talked about you, mostly. How wonderful you are.” He moves to placing kisses along my jawline. “My vow to take care of you.” His next words are mumbled through a tugging kiss on my lips. “And to always ask please before I see your boobies.”
“Dane!” I pull back and shove him in the chest, sending him toppling back into the couch. His body shakes with his laughter, his happy face glowing. He’s beautiful, positively mesmerizing, when he’s silly. Two can play the teasing game. I take his hand and move it over one of my t-shirt clad breasts. “Do you want to see them now?” My voice drops, sultry and suggestive.
“Mmmmm,” he groans.
I lean in, kissing up his throat to his ear, moving his hand harder against me. “Such a shame, you didn’t say please.” Jumping off his lap, giggling, I tug him up. “Come on, Dad Whisperer, I’ll show you where you’re sleeping.”
When we head back to school on Sunday, I feel fresh as a daisy; rejuvenated. My dad had been wonderful, Dane had been fabulous. I’d gotten the house clean, two meals cooked and frozen and all of Dad’s laundry done while he took Dane fishing! I’m pretty much on cloud nine now, forcing Dane to jam to my rap flava’ on the drive. He laughs every time I throw my deuces or strike my gangsta pose. Positively giddy—that’s what I am.
“I need a job,” I blurt out over lunch. Eating in The Rotunda with Zach and Sawyer has become a habit these days. It’d been worrying me lately that the holidays are fast approaching and I don’t have one dime to buy presents for my dad or friends. We’re all going to Bennett’s big show the last night of school before break, followed by a celebration/Christmas party to which I am not arriving empty handed.
“Why do you need a job, Gidge?” Sawyer asks.
“Um, for money? I gotta buy for Christmas. Plus, it’d be nice to have cash sometimes, in case I need anything.” My scholarship doesn’t cover everything, especially the biggies, gas and food, and I’m getting older; I have to lay off my dad’s wallet, which isn’t deep.
“Do you have time for a job? You have class, ball, Dane…” Sawyer laughs. Jerk.
“Oh my God, Zach, do you hear him?”
Zach is engrossed in his phone, paying us no attention.
“Zach, hello?” I reach across the table and punch buttons to interrupt him.
“Sorry, what?” He finally looks up.
“Laney wants to get a job, man, keep up. You talking to Ave or Kirby?”
Ooooh, my ears perk up.
“Both, keep up,” he cocks off, “you’re in the message, fool.”
“I forgot my phone this morning. What are they saying?”
As much as I’d love to hear exactly what they’re talking about, I feel skeezy. The twins would tell me if they wanted me to know their business, so I knock the devil off my shoulder and interrupt. “Guys, focus. I need a job.”
“You do realize you’re dating a millionaire, right? I think you should make up a price list for sexual favors. Problem solved.”
The sad part is, Sawyer is completely serious and sees nothing wrong with his idea. Even sadder, you simply cannot get mad at him about it. I’m not sure how he pulls it off, but he does.
“Sawyer Beckett, did you just call me a hooker?”
Zach scoots away, obviously scared he’s about to be in the line of fire from my fists of fury.
“Hell no, woman, I was kidding…kinda. Seriously though, Dane owns like, well, lots of shit. Why don’t you ask him for a job?”
I just stare at Zach, willing him to help me reason with this lovable jackass.
“Saw, she can’t ask her man for a job. That’s not cool. Can’t you get her one on the DL?”
“Where exactly do you work, Sawyer?” I remember I’ve aired this question before and apparently never got an answer.
“You don’t know?”
“I work for Dane. I bounce at The Kickback, or take care of whatever else he tells me to.”
“So could you get me a secret job at The Kickback?”
“Laney, you’re not 21. You can’t work at a bar,” Zach points out.
Sawyer snaps his fingers; he has a brilliant plan, goodie. “I could probably get you one at MK. You could do wardrobe or something.”
MK…why does that ring a bell? Sawyer sees me stewing over it. “It’s Dane’s studio. You could help the photographers with the sets or costumes or whatever. Want me to check it out?”
MK—Michael Kendrick. Of course. And that’s why Tate had said he took me to “the studio,” cause he owns it. And I’d chewed Dane about it. My lunch is now a mouthful of crow.
“No, no don’t say anything. It’s okay, I’ll find something.” I stand to throw my lunch away and get to class. “I’ll see you two later. Not a word, guys, please.” I give them both a pointed look and mime locking my lips.
Zach crosses his heart and Sawyer nods, so I know my secret’s safe.
“Hey, stranger!” Bennett shrieks as I walk into our room later than evening, sweaty from ball practice.
“Hey yourself, Red. How are you?” I laugh and st
art gathering some clean clothes, heading to the bathroom. “Come talk to me while I shower, I feel like we never talk anymore.”
Bennett sits on the counter while I let the warm water wash away the day, catching me up on her life.
“Where’s Mr. Wonderful tonight?” I ask. I can’t remember the last time I saw Bennett without Tate no more than five minutes away from her side.
“He’s with Dane tonight, not sure what they had to do. He’ll be here after, probably around 11,” she says, the pout in her voice audible.
“Oh, that’s right, Dane told me he’d be out. I forgot it was with Tate. So okay, you wanna go out with the girls tonight? Avery and Kirby asked me to do something, probably assuming you’d be with Tate, but you know we’d love for you to come. Until he’s done, anyway.” I giggle. I know I’m old news the minute he punches his timecard, which I completely understand.
“I wish I could, but you wouldn’t believe how behind I am on homework. It’s like I can’t get anything done when Tate’s in the room.”
“Actually, I would believe it. I’ve seen it with my own eyes,” I tease her. “Will you hand me a towel?” I step out and start to dry off, hearing my phone going off in the living room. “Crap, Bennett, that’s Avery. Will you go grab it?”
She runs out and I can hear her talking as I come out. She’s relaying back and forth for me so I can get dressed in dark jeans, my red and black 00 flag football jersey, tied in the back, and white Keds.
“Just tell her I’ll meet her somewhere. Find out where, I need about 20 minutes to dry my hair and I’ll be good to go.”
“She said how about The Kickback?” Bennett yells over the blow dryer.
I debate internally for just a second, surprised to find I am in fact in the mood for The K, then smile, shooting her a thumbs up from under my hair. Taking a quick final look in the mirror, I decide to leave my hair down and invite Bennett one more time before I head out the door minutes later. She declines, so after stuffing my phone and ID in my pockets, I bounce into The K all by myself! This is new for me, brave, and it feels good!
My eyes quickly find Kirby’s waving hand from a table across the room and I make my way through the bearable crowd to her. “Hey, catch!”
“Look at you, Sporty Spice! I’m glad you came out!”
“Where’s Avery?” I shout over the music.
“At the bar with Zach. You want something?”
My brows crinkle. Zach? Love him, but I thought this was girls’ night?
“Sure.” I whip the one five dollar bill I brought out of my pocket. “I’ll take whatever that will buy me.”
Kirby grins mischievously. “Laney, we don’t have to pay for drinks. That bartender look familiar?”
I turn and look, well after the people blocking my view move, and see Sawyer behind the bar. Smiling to myself, I shake my head. We can’t sit here and drink for free off Dane’s dime. Not that I’d drink enough to make a dent, but still. “Just one free drink for me, something light. I’m going to run to the bathroom real quick, will you tell them?”
“I got you, girl, go.”
The line for the bathroom is minimal, so I’m on my way back to the table just minutes later when my phone vibrates in my back pocket.
Evan: You’re not old enough to be in a bar naughty girl.
I look around the room wildly, seeking him out.
How did he know I was here?
Laney: Where r u?
Evan: Behind u
So slow I’m almost still, I turn around and meet the bluest eyes I’ve ever loved. A breathtaking smile breaks across his face, drawing me in like a vacuum. I collapse into his arms, wrapping mine around his waist. Evan is here, with me, not my imagination.
“What are you doing here? How’d you know where to find me?” I rest my chin on his chest and gaze up at him.
“Your roommate told me. She’s a nosy, but nice, girl.” He kisses my forehead, leaving his lips on my skin.
“How are you here? What about football?”
“Off week, no game. So here I am, with my girl.” His arms squeeze tighter around me. “Can we get out of here, juvenile delinquent? I’d love to be able to hear you.”
Giggling, I move away, taking him by the hand to come with me to tell Kirby I’m leaving. Zach’s eyes bore into me as we approach the table, but Kirby and Avery are all smiles, taking Evan in head to foot. Yeah, he’s hot, I don’t blame them.
“Guys, this is Evan. Evan, this is Avery, our pitcher. Kirby, her twin and our catcher. And this,” I give Zach a pleading look to be nice, “is Zach Reece, one of my good friends.”
“Nice to meet you, man.” Evan puts out his hand and Zach shakes it.
“You too, heard a lot about you.”
Evan looks down to me, smiling. “All good I hope.”
“All good,” Zach answers good-naturedly. I shoot him a smile in thanks.
“Nice to meet you both as well, ladies,” Evan says to the twins. “How’s my lil’ baller here doing?” Evan pulls me tighter into his side, arm around my waist.
“She’s amazing, we’re lucky to have her,” Kirby answers with a gleam as Zach throws his arm around the back of her chair.
I clear my throat. “Guys, I’m gonna go. I haven’t seen Evan in a while and it’s loud in here. I’ll talk to all y’all later, okay?”
The three of them nod, but Zach’s eyes are worried. I know he simply cares about me and knows what the back and forth does to me, especially since things have been going so wonderfully with Dane. Evan and I turn to head out when I hear someone yell my name. Turning to see who is beckoning me, Sawyer is already striding toward us.
“Hey, Gidge, who’s this?” Sawyer’s glare is intimidating and I put my hand on his chest defensively.
“Sawyer Beckett, this is Evan Allen, from home.”
Sawyer’s eyes soften as the name registers and he gradually reaches out a hand to Evan. “So you’re Evan, the man, the myth, the legend. Nice to meet ya.” Sawyer uses his free hand to slap Evan on the shoulder. “You understand, just watching out for my girl. Wasn’t about to let some dude I didn’t know walk out the door with her.”
“No, man, it’s cool. I appreciate you looking out for her,” Evan answers kindly.
“Okay,” I interrupt them, “we’re gonna go, Saw. Thanks for having my back.” I lean in and stand on my tiptoes to lay a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll see you later.”
He turns his face quickly to catch my ear. “I won’t lie if he asks, Laney.”
I meet his eyes and pull Evan towards the door. “I would never expect you to. Neither will I.”
Evan wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me tight against his side as we walk to his truck. “It’s so great to see you, princess.” He lowers his head to kiss the top of mine.
“You too, Ev. I can’t believe you’re here, and you tracked me down.” I nudge his shoulder teasingly with mine.
Both settled in the truck cab now, he wastes no time and leans over to me, elbows resting on the console. “Laney, baby, I’ve missed you so much. Can I please have some sugar?” His voice is shaky, his eyes pained.
I can fix that pain I see, but at what cost? I know that all I have to do is tell him everything’s okay and the shadows in his eyes will disappear instantly, but a pair of brown eyes plague the back of my mind, stopping me from doing so.
Heart in my throat, I push any guilt or confusion out of my thoughts and scoot towards him, my hands cupping his soft, handsome cheeks. Right now, I need to try and heal the best friend I have ever had, in some way. I look right in his crystal blue eyes so he can see what’s important, that which will never change: you are the most amazing person I have ever had in my life and I cherish you.
I drop chaste kisses on his cheeks and nose, a quick peck on his lips, and lean back, giving him my warmest smile. “How long do you get to stay?”
“As long as I’m back for class on Monday, I’m all yours till then.” He starts his truck, grinning ov
er at me. “Where to?”
Uh…good question. “I guess my dorm,” I say with a shrug. “Let me just text Bennett and let her know we’re coming.” I do just that, silently praying she gets it and intercepts Tate. Something tells me it would get real awkward real fast if he and Evan meet…in my room…before I even tell Dane about my surprise guest.
Shit—I don’t even know where Dane is right now. What if he’s there waiting for me? Oh God, Bennett, check your phone! The trip is way too short and we pull up in front of my dorm with still no response from Bennett. We’re going in blind.
Evan parks and hurries around the front of the truck to open my door, taking my hand to help me down. “Is it okay if I go in?” he asks anxiously.
A squeeze to his hand. “It’s a co-ed dorm, silly. They won’t know you don’t just live here.”
We’re about ten steps from the front door when my roommate comes barreling towards us. I catch her just as she’s about to plow into me head first, and up close, I can see she’s a mess. Her body is shaking, tears rolling down her face and her lip is quivering.
“Bennett, what’s wrong?!” I shake her by the shoulders but she doesn’t answer. Suddenly holding her becomes a strain, she’s like dead weight, and thankfully Evan reacts quickly and reaches out to grab her seconds before she would’ve hit the cold pavement.
“Bennett, answer me! What the hell is wrong?” I’m screaming now, scared out of my wits. My phone starts ringing, and I’m really hoping it’s Tate, telling me they had a silly fight and he’s on his way to get her. “Evan, you got her?” He nods, so I let go and dig out my phone.
“Laney, it’s Zach. Listen, Sawyer just got a call and we’re headed out now. Where are you right now?”
“In front of the dorm, why?”
“I need you to get Bennett, Laney. Can you go get Bennett?” His words are staccato, like he’s talking to a three year old.