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Evolve Series Box Set Page 17

  “No, nothing I woke up to.”

  He lets out a deep breath. “Good, good. Okay, enjoy your day, my love.”

  Bennett has sat back silently the entire time, but I can tell she’s chomping at the bit to get going on our day.

  I bask in happiness during my shower, thinking of how lucky I am. My birthday has barely started and I have a great friend ready to wow me, a dazzling arrangement on my table, and I just talked to two of the most unbelievable men on the planet—and they love me. Some things have sucked lately, but all in all, I’m pretty damn blessed…and I’m going with that.

  I love the spa—who knew? I let Bennett treat me to a manicure and pedicure, my first of both. I even went with the massage and blushed through gritted teeth for a bikini wax (you only live once, right?)…but when they sit me in the chair to get my hair done, I call bullshit.

  “Bennett,” I lean over and whisper, “enough. Where are you getting all this money, woman? I can’t let you spend this much on me.” She doesn’t respond, but rather shoots me a friendly sneer and texts something. My phone dings. Did she really just text me from a foot away?

  Zach: I chipped in, chillax and enjoy, sweet girl.

  Looking back at Bennett, I roll my eyes. “You could have just told me that, ya know.” I snicker.

  “Nope, he told me to do exactly that.”

  Laney: Well thank you very much! Will I see you today?

  Zach: You will. Happy Birthday! C U soon.

  I chicken out on my hair. They almost had me talked into a major change, but instead I go for a trim and some very long bangs; that’s as radical as I get. After thanking all the cheerful people who have pampered us all day, we meet Zach for lunch, where I give him a big hug in thanks; he really is so sweet. After lunch, Bennett and I head to the local mall where I refuse everything she offers to buy for me. Where does this girl get all that money? Surely Zach didn’t chip in that much.

  Finally back in the room after the best day, I collapse on the bed. “I’ve had a great birthday, Bennett! Thank you so much, you’re awesome!”

  “Have had—Laney, you’re so naïve it’s precious. Girl, you ain’t seen nothing yet, we’re just getting started.”

  “What? You can’t possibly have anything else planned! You’ve done far too much already, really.”

  “You’re wasting time arguing with me and you’re gonna want to go get ready.” Her red curls bounce and she’s wearing a devilish grin.

  Surprisingly, I’m not the least bit apprehensive. If I’m totally honest, I can’t freaking wait to see what else she has up her sleeve.

  “Your hair’s already done, so just shower, shave your legs and meet me back out here. I’ll take care of wardrobe, your highness.” She blows me a kiss and shoos me with her hand.

  Oh my, what else could there be? If I have to shave my legs, it must be serious.

  I get out of the shower and yell to Bennett for further instructions. She comes in and touches up my hair and does my makeup. Finally satisfied with her work, she brings in my dress for the night, one I’ve seen in her closet before. Frankly, it makes me nervous from the hanger.

  “First things first,” she says and proceeds to slide black thigh highs up my legs. Oh, dear Lord. She then hands me a black thong made out of dental floss and a matching lace, strapless, push-up bra.

  “Um, Bennett, I really don’t want to be arrested for prostitution on my birthday, thanks, though,” I say with more seriousness than sarcasm as I shimmy the items on under my robe.

  “Hush, silly, these are just the undergoodies to make you feel sexy on your special day, there’s wrapping. Now lose the robe.” She pulls the thin black dress over my head.

  The dress is way too short, too thin, too tight, and too low cut. I can’t leave the house like this, NO WAY. I try telling her this, several times, my voice in full-out panic, but she assures me that tonight will be semi-private and I look great, it’s my birthday, yada, yada.

  Next she adorns my wrist, ears and neck with sparkles and a princess crown on my head—now that part I like! “Oh crap, I forgot, no necklace,” she says as she removes it.

  I have to ask. “Is there a no necklace rule at the brothel?”

  She blows a raspberry at me but doesn’t answer specifically. Yup, we’re headed to a brothel and they don’t want girls to get their necklaces caught in the cages—I knew it!

  There’s a knock on our door but I don’t care, I’m not leaving this bathroom, no way no how.

  “Where’s the birthday girl?” I hear Tate ask.

  “She won’t come out,” Bennett whispers, like our room is so big I can’t hear her.

  “Laney, are you decent? I’m coming in!”

  Oh shit—that’s Sawyer. “Um, no, I’m far from decent.”

  I see the door crack behind me and his head pops in. A flirty smile lights up his face. “Hot damn, woman, please jump out of a cake on my birthday!”

  “Not helping, Sawyer.”

  “Laney, you look fucking amazing. Come on, shy violet, it’s your birthday, strut your stuff!”

  “Really? It’s not too much? Or too little, I mean?” I fight the urge to bite my nails, an old habit that’s hard to break.

  “No way, it’s perfect. It’s ‘I told ya there was a hot body under here’ meets ‘I kick ass cause it’s my birthday.’ I swear you look hot, now come on. I gotta find some ass now that you got me all worked up.” He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the bathroom.

  I walk into the living area and Tate’s jaw hits the floor. Bennett jumps up and down, clapping.

  “Um, Laney, one more thing?”

  “Yes, Sawyer?” I’m afraid to ask.

  “That’s what you should wear for pajamas!”

  Everyone laughs, even me; he’s crude but irresistibly loveable. He really has grown on me; he’s quite charming with those big blue eyes and dimples. Yes, his eyes are definitely blue, like sapphires.

  “Okay, okay, let’s pregame toast, people.” Tate pours us each a Solo cup of champagne—only the classiest in college. “To Laney’s birthday, a great night, a great year, and awakening for all!”

  We all tap and down the chilled, crisp liquid. Whoo! That stuff will go to your head. I can’t help but wonder where Dane is. Surely after the knee-buckling kiss he wouldn’t miss my birthday? I just can’t bring myself to ask, though.

  “To the chariot!” Sawyer exclaims and we all follow.

  “Have fun, sweetie, it’s your day and I’m right behind you,” Bennett whispers as we walk down to the parking lot.

  A short limo ride later we arrive at The Kickback. I don’t even ask who paid for the sleek ride because I give up on that mystery; surely someone’s about to drop over from all the plasma they’ve donated for money, and then I’ll know the culprit. Oh crap, I didn’t grab my ID! Oh well, I don’t have to drink.

  There’s no line at the door and the bouncer just lets us in with not one check. We walk in to total darkness, and I’m frazzled for just a second before people jump up into beaming lights and yell “Surprise!”

  First thought: I don’t know this many people, who’s here? I see Zach front and center, I have Bennett, Tate and Sawyer yelling behind me, hmmm. I spot Drew with a girl I don’t recognize and several girls from my softball team, some with what look like dates—that was so nice of them to come. I then I realize we have this place to ourselves, how’s that possible? They have to be losing a ton of revenue on this. And where is Dane?

  “Are you surprised, sweetie?” Zach bear hugs me and asks with a kiss on my head.

  “Oh my gosh, yes! How did you guys pull this off?’

  “I’d tell you, but then I’d have to spank you. It is your birthday,” he teases and I slap his arm.

  Several of the girls from the team come over and greet me, a few even hand me cards; it’s touching, really. Maybe this new team could be my team, my new sisterhood. Several guys are introduced to me. Some are dates, some aren’t, but I keep flicking my eyes a
round the room, trying to spot only one guy.

  Tate has jumped behind the bar and is starting to sling drinks. I just order an “anything” when Sawyer scoots in beside me.

  “So, Laney, I gotta say, I thought you were the exception, but softball girls are fucking hot!”

  “Um, thank you?”

  “WHO is the brunette in the red to our 3 o’clock?”

  I look over his shoulder; ah, he has a good eye. The Andrews twins, Avery and Kirby, are gorgeous girls and they’re a pitcher/catcher combo, which of course means they’re cool as hell. Honestly though, I don’t know which one we’re looking at this very moment. The only difference I can find is that Avery, the pitcher, is taller, so since there’s only one of them right now, I have no idea.

  “It’s either Avery or Kirby Andrews,” I tell him with a shrug.

  “Or?” It takes him a minute, and I bite back a giggle as I watch him work it through his mind. I see when it dawns on him, I have to laugh and he literally rolls his eyes up into his head and groans. “If you’re teasing me, I’ll beat you…are you telling me there’s two of that? Like twins?”

  “That’s what I’m telling you.” I tap the end of his nose, knowing I’ve just made him extremely happy.

  “Oh, fuck me twice, I’ve died and gone to heaven. So what do you know about her, them, whatever?”

  “Very little, actually,” I say with a shrug. “Avery is the pitcher and she’s the taller of the two. She has a 67mph fast ball, a drop curveball and a sneaky change. Kirby talks more, she’s our catcher so she takes charge, she’s a freakin’ wall back there and she’s got a cannon on her, she bats like 400…”

  “Laney!” he interrupts me.


  “Seriously, woman, I need the important stats, like boyfriends? Same-sex oriented? Reputation? Views on anal?” He actually said it with a straight face, not possible, and ew.

  “Oh my God, Sawyer, how am I possibly friends with you?”

  “‘Cause I’m adorable and you love me.”

  He’s right, he is adorable and I love him already. He’s a good one; he’d have a friend’s back. He’s got mine, I know it.

  “Okay, I’ll get you an intro, but if the word ‘anal’ leaves your mouth, I will ball check you myself—hard. You got it?”

  “Got it! All other words are acceptable, though, right?” He smirks.

  I point my finger in his chest. “I mean it, mister, do not embarrass me! I barely know these girls and I have to play ball with them. Don’t you dare disrespect them!”

  “Ah, Laney, I’m just playing. I would never…now go hook me up, woman!”

  It turns out Avery is in the red tonight. I talk with her for a few minutes, thanking her for coming.

  “I’m really happy to be here, Laney. I’m looking forward to the season and your bat.” She knuckle bumps me. “Maybe we can hang out sometime, get to know each other.”

  “That’d be great. I’ll give you my number.” I hope my face doesn’t give away how pathetically happy I am at the idea of a new friend. “So, where’s Kirby?” I glance around the room, not spotting her twin.

  “Good question,” she says, looking around, “not sure where could she be. There’s not that many of us here.”

  “Um, let’s ask my friend Sawyer, he knows the layout better than me. Sawyer!” I shout.

  Oh yeah, he heads right over, not even attempting a blasé approach, looking more like an eager beaver trying not to trip. He’s precious.

  “Sawyer Beckett, my good friend, this is Avery Andrews, our pitcher. She seems to have lost her twin, Kirby. Could you help her find her? You know the building better than me.”

  “Of course, I’d be happy to. Nice to meet you, Avery.”

  I almost chuckle as I watch her reaction to him; her eyes are about to pop out of her head…he is a lot to take in at once. The blush that creeps up her neck and cheeks is sweet, though, and I make a polite departure. There ya go, Sawyer, make me proud. I wink at him as I walk away.

  When I hear music start, I smile; I’d know that intro anywhere. I turn to the stage and the single light illuminates him. He’s sitting at the piano, half looking back at me, and he winks. “This one is for the birthday girl,” he says. He plays “This Year’s Love” by David Gray, his voice perhaps even more beautiful than the original.

  It’s the most mesmerizing thing I’ve ever seen or heard and when he finishes and stands, cheers go up all around but I remain frozen. I have tunnel vision straight to his eyes and can barely comply when he crooks his finger for me to join him.

  My legs are wobbly as I make my way to him, limbs heavy. It seems to take forever to get to him, as though walking through sand. He mercifully meets me halfway.

  “Happy Birthday, gorgeous girl,” he whispers in my ear, tucking a piece of hair behind it.

  “Thank you. I thought you weren’t here,” I answer breathlessly, shaking, unable to mentally process what the serenade did to me.

  “You knew better than that.” His lips are now touching my ear. “Didn’t you? You think you don’t know me and you shouldn’t feel this, but you do feel it. Don’t you, Laney?” One hand moves to the small of my back and ignites my skin through the thin fabric of my dress.

  “Maybe,” I barely whisper. I’m terrified of the way he makes me feel; my pull to him is animalistic.

  I feel his laugh against my skin as he moves his other hand over my heart.

  “No maybe to it. You feel that, Laney? Your heart beats that fast for me, for us.”

  I say nothing. I can’t. He moves his arms around my waist to hold me up, thank God. He starts to walk backwards, pulling me with him to the center of the dance floor and as is if on cue, the DJ starts the music, “Hero” by Enrique Iglesias. Dane so gets the right song for the right moment thing, once again he’s nailed it.

  Others join us and I look around; Tate and Bennett are engrossed in one another and many of my teammates look to be having a great time as well. Sawyer and Zach aren’t out here as far as I can tell—how a girl hasn’t dragged one of those wonderful boys out by now is beyond me. Huh, so this is what it feels like, having a lot of friends and doing the public party type thing. It definitely feels strange, but a lot like magic.

  Dane and I are forehead to forehead, barely swaying to the umpteenth slow song in a row, when he asks me if I’ve enjoyed my birthday so far. I gush to him about my wonderful day with Bennett, her and Zach’s generosity and how much I am enjoying this surprise party.

  My cheeks heat and eyes sting as I describe how special it made me feel and how happy I am that so many people came out. I’m hopeful there’s a spot for me at Southern after all.

  He watches me with a satisfied look on his face the whole time and I can see it—he’s genuinely happy for me. I finally take a breath from my rambling and he beams at me. “One more song and then it’s time for one of your presents.”

  “I thought your song was my present? And it was a wonderful one indeed.” I smile up at him. It really was the most spellbinding gift I’ve ever received and I’ll cherish it always.

  He grasps my cheeks and kisses my nose, moving teasingly slow to finally land on my lips. “I’ll play for you anytime, Disney.”

  I wrap my arms even tighter around his neck and lay my head on his chest for “Flightless Bird” by Iron & Wine. “I love this song.”

  “Thought you might. Me, too.”

  “You know our tastes are pretty scattered. We may be the only two people our age who get it,” I mumble into the sculpted plane of his neck.

  “Perfect, since I was thinking we’re the only two people right now anyway.” He brushes his soft lips across my forehead. “You speak my language.”

  We enjoy the rest of the song in silence, wrapped in each other.

  “Now let’s go open presents,” he says as he folds my hand in his and pulls me to a table. He pulls a chair out for me and once I’m settled, moves to stand behind me, leans over me, and whispers on my nec
k, “Close your eyes.”

  I glance back at him questioningly. I’m so nervous, but he winks at me and I know it’s all right. I turn and do as he asked, closing my eyes.

  “Lift that beautiful hair for me,” he commands.

  I do, as smoothly as I can despite the trembling throughout my body. I feel cool metal slip around my neck; oh my God, he got me a necklace! Instinctively, I drop my hair and my fingertips move to touch it, but I can’t quite make it out.

  I hear his voice, coming from in front of me now. “Open up, my brown-eyed girl.”

  I open my eyes and Dane is in front of me holding up a small mirror and I see it. He’s placed around my neck a diamond “D” necklace. The signature Disney “D” is unmistakable. I gasp and feel the tears starting to bite; damn, this boy is good.

  “Oh, Dane! I couldn’t love it more; it’s perfect,” I say between slight sniffles, my heart about to burst. “Thank you so much. You’re wonderful.” Before I know what I’m doing, I jump into his arms and squeeze the life out of him. The gift symbolizes what he told me before: maybe it’s not about the length of time you’ve known someone, maybe it’s about instant recognition on an unconscious level. Our souls know each other.

  “Had a feeling you’d like that, Disney girl. My pleasure.” He winks.

  “Put her down, fool, I gotta give her my gift!”

  I laugh when I hear Sawyer behind me. Back on my feet, I turn and hug him. “You got me a present, too? You didn’t have to do that…but gimme it!” I laugh.

  He sticks his fingers in his mouth and lets out a wolf whistle, pulling a shriek from me in shock, then waves Tate, Bennett and Zach over. “Come ‘ere, y’all, time for Laney’s present.” Oh God, Sawyer, present, he wants an audience…if he starts stripping or dancing on my lap, I’m gonna kill him. Surely Zach or Dane will stop him short of catastrophe.

  Once they’re all gathered around, Sawyer disappears for a bit and comes back rolling a beautiful brown and cream Louis Vuitton suitcase! “Thank you, Sawyer! I love it!” I move to hug him, but he gently holds me off, laughing.

  “Love the enthusiasm, but lemme finish, woman!” He guides me back to my chair and hands me an envelope.